Dinosaur Love (Story Collection #1) Read online

  Dinosaur Love

  Story Collection #1

  By Natalie Black

  © 2013

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This story is intended for mature adults only. It contains sexual scenarios, dirty language, hot action, and much more! Please store your digital files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  And above all – Enjoy!

  Table of Contents

  Passion of the T-Rex

  Romanced by the Raptors

  Mating at the Dinosaur Museum

  Taken in a Savage Time

  Dinosaur Delight

  ~Passion of the T-Rex~

  Lura stood in the middle of the encampment, staring at the crackling fire. The fingers of the flames danced about in the darkness, always threatening to break forth and grip her vulnerable body, yet always retreating at the last moment. She stayed close to it, closing her eyes and feeling her skin tingle in the warmth. Usually at this part of the evening she would be clothed in a thick fur to protect herself from the unforgiving chill of the night, but the fire allowed her to remain free with only a few loose garments hanging over her body. She inclined her head and breathed in the ashy scent that clung to her hair, but her moment of personal reverie was interrupted by Shac.

  His heavy footsteps made a slow, ponderous sound as he approached her, and she winced before she opened her eyes, knowing it was him. The fire cast an orange hue over his toned skin and shadows flickered over his defined, taut muscles. He tossed his slick black hair back and grinned at her.

  “Did you enjoy the feast?” he asked.

  “It was fine,” she said dismissively.

  Shac huffed, “I killed that creature in your honor. I brought you the finest piece!” He held out his hands and offered her a thick chunk of meat. His fist was soaked in its juices as he clutched it tightly. Lura turned away.

  “I have had my fill.”

  “You are impossible!” he thundered.

  “No, it’s impossible to try and impress me with these hollow gestures. Go and find some other toy to play with, there are plenty of fawning girls who would be glad to receive one of your trophies.”

  “Nobody dares to speak to me like that!”

  “Perhaps when you realize that I am not just anyone you will have a chance,” Lura said coyly before walking off. Shac remained there, glowering as he took a savage bite out of the meat he was holding. The juice ran down his square jaw and dripped on the ground as he twisted the meat between his teeth.

  “One day you shall be mine,” he muttered bitterly, his heart filled with dark desire.


  Lura shivered as she moved away from the fire, her skin prickling with little bumps. In the background people scurried about, shouting and crying out with glee as they danced and enjoyed the evening festivities. The moon was glowing full and bright in the sky, and this monthly occurrence was always an opportunity for the small tribe to celebrate their hard work, yet Lura couldn’t help but feel unfulfilled. She watched everyone else smile, but her smile always felt false and unconvincing.

  She walked up to the top of a hill and leaned against a tree. The horizon stretched out in front of her; a promise of infinite possibilities. Deep down a part of her had always known that her future lay somewhere out there in the great unknown, but the tribe would never allow her to leave, especially not Shac. Oh, Shac. For the past year or so he had tried to win her affections in all manner of ways but nothing he did stirred any hidden desires. It was plain that he was going to become the leader once Petar died, although in truth Petar’s authority was in name only since he was so frail. Lura had no desire to become Shac’s wife, she couldn’t think of anything worse than being the tribe’s mother.

  As she wrapped her arm around the thick tree trunk and scratched at the rough bark she knew this was where she belonged; out in the open in the heart of nature where everything was peaceful. She closed her eyes and breathed in the night air once again, almost wishing that she could disperse into a million tiny petals and ride on the wind, letting it scatter her all over the land and in that moment the loud shouts from the camp seemed to fade away and she could imagine surrendering herself to a powerful force. The tree seemed to thrum steadily and the vibrations passed through her body, making her shudder. They became stronger and more regular and she found herself biting her lip, until eventually the whole ground was shaking under her feet and her grip on the tree tightened.

  Then, reality came crashing around her as she heard terror in the people’s screams, and an almighty roar that sent a shiver down her spine. Lura turned around and as she saw the gigantic beast the color drained from her face and she backed into the tree. It was the most feared predator – the T-Rex. She had never seen one herself, but all the stories they were told as children revolved around the monster attacking. In person it was even more terrible than the stories they were told. It towered above the trees, rearing back on its hind legs and sending out a bellowing roar before bending down and swinging its tail in a destructive arc, sweeping away huts and trees and people.

  Lura watched on as the beast ran through her camp, tearing it apart with its jaws. She wanted to scream but instead she was paralyzed, then one small voice in her head shouted, ‘run’, but she didn’t listen. Again, ‘run’, but she couldn’t find the strength to tear herself away. The voice repeated itself and became faster and louder until eventually it screamed at her, ‘RUN! RUN! RUN!’, and in a heartbeat she sprinted away at a blistering pace, hearing nothing but that voice and the pounding in her chest.

  She didn’t know how long she ran for, but it wasn’t long enough. As she paused to catch her breath she noticed that the ground still thrummed underneath her feet. Panting, she looked back and saw the T-Rex relentlessly marching toward her. With a groan she forced herself to continue, even though every muscle was begging her to stop, but she staggered forward, every inch a precious inch closer to survival.

  Hurtling through the terrain she managed to find unknown reserves of strength and determination, but fear gripped her as well and she found herself looking back at her pursuer; the monster had hunger in his eyes. Her hair became matted to her face as it was soaked with sweat but she couldn’t afford to waste time brushing it away. Then, out of nowhere she clattered into a low-hanging branch, which caused her body to fling forward and crash down on the ground. The aching throb of her head overwhelmed her as she succumbed to unconsciousness and lay there, vulnerable.

  When Lura regained consciousness it was still night time. She opened her eyes but was confused as the world seemed upside down and it was shaking up and down. It took a while for her senses to return as her head was still pounding. She tried to raise her hand up to rub her head but she found she was restrained. Only then did she shake off the stupor and realize that she was being carried in the mouth of her hunter.

  Her first reaction was to scream, until she realized how futile it was. She twisted her neck and looked at the ground, it seemed so far off and she knew the T-Rex could at any moment release her and send her tumbling down to a painful death, so she remained quiet and tri
ed to figure out why she was still alive. Her body was now soaked with both sweat and the saliva from the T-Rex’s mouth. Its teeth were huge, interlocking fangs and she was caught securely between them, although the jaw wasn’t closed properly so one of the fangs hung over her; a foreboding reminder that no matter how secure she felt she was but a moment away from an instant, agonizing death. It was a tight squeeze as well, and the teeth were pinching her sides, sending her to the place where the lines between pain and pleasure became blurred. Her legs rested against the tongue, which felt oddly smooth and warm. Its breath was warm as well, and it washed over her regularly. She had imagined it would be a rancid smell, but in actual fact it had a strangely sweet aroma. Lura knew better than to struggle so for the rest of the journey she laid still, finding some sort of comfort from the rhythm of the T-Rex’s stride.

  While she lay there she thought about what her tribe must be going through, and how many lives were senselessly lost. They didn’t have much in this world but they had worked hard for their little village and it was a shame that it could be torn asunder in just a matter of minutes. And yet, in some way, this is exactly what she had long yearned for. Lura was being taken away to some place far away where she didn’t have to worry about marriage or responsibility; she could be free. She was being given a chance to live the life she always wanted, she just wasn’t sure how long that life would last.

  Meanwhile, back at the camp the survivors were picking up the pieces of their broken homes. The fire that a short time ago had burned so brightly now was extinguished and only ashes remained. Lifeless bodies were dragged across the ground and many tears of hopelessness were shed. But through it all Shac stood tall and barked orders, marching around camp to try and ensure that his people didn’t become engulfed in grief. Eventually they collected all the bodies and counted the dead. Tears fell like torrential rain as one by one someone discovered that a loved one died. Through it all Shac remained resolute, his stony expression belying none of his sorrow. But as the last name was called out he realized that one person was missing; Lura.

  He sprang into action, questioning everyone about her. None had seen her, until eventually he asked Marji, who said she had seen Lura walk off to the edge of the camp. Shac beckoned to two of his men, Jheri and Hamsh, and the three of them ran off in pursuit.

  It wasn’t long before they found the tracks, and when they saw that Lura’s footprints had ended Shac’s mood darkened and his neutral expression slipped. He screamed with rage and turned on his heels, marching back into camp. Jheri and Hamsh followed dutifully. Everyone who survived was gathered in the middle, listening to a speech Petar was giving. The old man was too weak to stand, so he rested on a special chair, and his soft voice was barely strong enough to crack the silence of the night.

  “Tonight was a sad night for the tribe, a night the likes of which I hoped we would never see. However, in the midst of this tragedy there is hope because we still live. I have watched all of you grow, and it saddens me to see so many dead before me, but I know we will rebuild and the memory of those we have lost will give us strength to continue. You are all my children, and I am proud of you-” Petar said, but a tense hush came over the crowd as Shac stomped up to the father of the tribe. Shac towered over the old man, and his powerful voice filled the night air.

  “You speak of rebuilding, but what happened tonight is not only a tragedy but a travesty. Our homes, our lives have been ripped apart by that…that thing. And you want us to simply rebuild? It is not enough. We should seek vengeance. We are not helpless children, we are men! We have to defend ourselves, we have to become the dominant species if we are ever to progress. I for one am not going to stand for this insult against us. Rebuild, yes, but first…revenge!”

  The people were swayed by his words and began to cheer his name. Shac stood proudly, smiling gleefully as the adoration was poured onto him.

  “It is no use,” Petar said once the crowd grew quiet again, “it is as hopeless to fight against the T-Rex as it is to fight against a storm. Please, do not seek it out for it will only bring more sorrow. We must focus on what we have left. We have lost too many souls already, think of the good of the tribe.”

  “I am thinking of the tribe. How do you think it will sound to the next generation when we tell them of this night, and how we cowered away trying to hide. No, your words are as weak as your body, father,” he spat out the last word and turned to the crowd, “We talk of rebuilding, we talk of revenge, now I talk of revolution! This night should be the start of a new dynasty; I propose that it is time for a new father of the tribe, a stronger father, one who will defend his children! Many have died this night, possibly including one I hold most dear. We tracked Lura’s footprints but they end, with no body to be found. There is a chance she survives, but it is a slim hope, even if she does it surely will not be for long. Make me your leader and I will go and find her. If she is alive I will bring her back, if she is not…I will avenge her death, I will avenge all our people’s deaths and bring justice to the world!”

  The people herded around him and chanted his name. Petar was left alone with a disappointed look on his face. Never did he want his tribe to descend into such raw hostility, but his time was at an end and the people had chosen a new way. He only hoped that it would not cost them dear, and that the tribe he had spent his whole life guiding would survive beyond the next few days.

  Once the roused crowd’s excitement had died down, Shac gathered up a number of willing volunteers to join him on his quest. The team was made up of men and women armed with spears, knives, and bows and arrows. Those who remained were tasked with clearing up the encampment, so the tribe was split into two groups. Shac let out a battle cry as he led the group into the darkness while a single despairing tear rolled down Petar’s cheek.

  Lura was set down at the foot of a mountain. As soon as she was released from the mouth she ran to a cave and huddled against the wall. The stone was cold compared to the warm mouth of the T-Rex. She was shuddering with fright and instantly the dinosaur bent down and roared again; it almost deafened her and it was stronger than any wind she had ever encountered. With that the dinosaur left, and she was alone.

  She thought about running, but in the distance the roar was ever-present, and she doubted she’d be able to go far without being tracked. Besides, her head was still aching and her body was exhausted and weak. She slumped down on the ground and took a look at her surroundings. Before her lay the greenest grass she had ever seen. The sun had peaked over the horizon now, casting a golden glow over the world. White clouds rolled through the blue sky and everything seemed to be in complete harmony. Red and blue flowers peppered the landscape and it was all set against the lush emerald green of the trees. Her last thought before she succumbed to sweet sleep was, ‘it’s so beautiful’.

  Awaking from a hazy dream a short while later, she was once again confronted with the grisly sight of the dinosaur, except this time it didn’t roar. She crouched against the surface of the cave again, but the dinosaur simply nudged forward some meat and then turned away. Lura slowly crept forward, wondering if it was a trap. Her stomach was crying out so that she couldn’t resist, and soon she was kneeling down, tearing the tough meat with her teeth. When she had had her fill she looked up and the dinosaur suddenly didn’t seem so monstrous. The sun reflected off its dark crimson scales and it looked serene, staring out at the horizon in the same way as Lura had so many times. In some strange way they may have been kindred spirits, she thought.

  She spent a while simply watching it exist, she was moved by the way its eyes seemed to peer beyond the edges of the world. She reflected on its size, and how compared to its majesty she felt small and meaningless. At that moment, as if it could read her thoughts, it turned to her and looked at her in a way she’d never been looked at before, as if she really mattered. It was a far cry from the way Shac used to look at her, he saw her merely as an object of status never as a person in her own right. The only reason he ever br
ought her food wasn’t because she was hungry, but only to prove that he was the strongest and the bravest thing alive.

  Looking at the dinosaur she knew that wasn’t true, no-one could ever be stronger or braver than the T-Rex. She ran her hand down her side and looked at the marks left from when she had been caught between the sharp teeth. They had caused small, discolored welts to form underneath her ribs but she understood that they weren’t marks of torture, they were marks of affection. All of a sudden she found herself inexplicably drawn to the creature that stood before her. Lura found herself stepping out of the cave just as the T-Rex turned and came towards her. No longer was it a mindless beast, it was a soul who had seen something in her and cared for her.

  Nervously she walked forward; she could feel her knees weakening with each step. The grass felt soft underfoot and it was flattened with each footstep the dinosaur took. It wasn’t long before there were close to one another, the tension between them was palpable but she was still reluctant to reach out and touch him. A whole life of programming told her that what stood before her was bound to kill her, and she had to fight against it because she knew it wasn’t true. Her mouth became dry as she gulped, she licked her lips and her chest heaved with each deep, anxious breath.

  The T-Rex lowered his head and stuck out his long soft tongue. His warm breath washed over her and the goose bumps that appeared were borne from excited anticipation rather than the change in temperature. The sweet aroma of his breath lingered around her, and she was warmer now than she had been when standing before the fire, but the desire in her was beginning to burn just as violently. Slowly, the dinosaur licked her entire body in one motion, the tip of the tongue ran from her dainty feet all the way up her voluptuous body. The force of his tongue moved the loose cloth that was covering her breasts, and her nipples stood erect as she felt the hot muscle cover her.